Refreshing the RadioDNS brand

Stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression with professionally designed websites that reflect the unique identity of your brand.

What was the issue?

❌  Users couldn’t find information or content easily

❌  Key pages were hidden and tricky to find

❌  The three key journeys for broadcasters, developers and manufacturers went round in circles without giving them a next step

❌  The branding; colours, imagery and fonts felt outdated for a modern organisation

❌  Too much text made for long reads on key pages

❌  The colours of the links and buttons weren’t accessible for users, potentially stopping them accessing content and reducing conversions for membership

❌  The navigation wasn’t organised making it difficult for users to find pages quickly

❌  The page layouts were cluttered and confusing

How did we fix it?

👉  Our clear navigation hierarchy simplifies the user's search for relevant information in their journey.

🛎️  Our dynamic CMS and modular system makes it easy to create pages and tag items, allowing users to quickly find the information they need.

💁‍♂️ We displayed the main user journeys prominently on the homepage and in the navigation.

👩‍🎨 We improved branding by adding a dark scheme with vibrant colors to highlight important elements like links, buttons, and typography.

🚘 Lastly, we ensured that while our brand stands out distinctly, it still resonates with its automotive roots.

What we did

Digital & Print Guidelines

Beauty Unleashed: Where pixels meet print

Through some initial moodboards made of colour, typography and essential elements like buttons, we were all drawn towards a dark mode reflecting the development sphere and the bright flashes of colour to sign post our users to useful content.

They branding had to:

✅  Sit comfortably within the automative and radio industry

✅ Look like it belongs in the future

✅ Stand out from the crowd

✅ Be simple to understand

✅ Work across print and digtal assets


"We got in contact with Eloise at the beginning of our project to redesign both our brand appearance and our online resources. We really appreciated her engagement with our thinking, her exploration of the visual elements, and creating the manifestations of our new brand - physical and online."
Robust Design System

Making coding feel like a walk in the digital park.

Crafted with the precision of a diamond cutter, our design system is the holy grail for developers and designers alike.

It's the secret weapon for creating pixel-perfect pages or features - it's like playing with Lego blocks, but for grown-ups.

✅  Colour system

✅  Shadows and animations

✅  Forms, the boring stuff that requires thought!

✅  Buttons, check boxes, tables and toggles

✅  Modular blocks (called cards) for events, blog posts, features and technical posts


Responsive Web Design

A sleek and speedy website that functions seamlessly on all devices

Websites are like first dates, and RadioDNS's was showing up in a scrappy t-shirt. It wasn't strutting its stuff - the resources, information, events and industry news that so many folks depend on was hidden and confusing. 

With some rethinking we: 
✅  Encouraged trust by showing high profile member logos like Volkswagen and BBC

✅ Developed custom pages for guides and support to help users navigate to the good stuff

✅ Elevated the events section with key info and images

✅ Cemented the brand with gorgeous pops of colour, imagery and iconography

✅ Reduced the number of forum questions by introducing a handy FAQ section


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Sexy Print Assets

Taking the online offline

RadioDNS is an international organisation and this takes them all over the world networking and speaking at industry events. 

Using our print guidelines we were able to create

✅  Exhibition stands and banners

✅  Yearly membership renewal packs

✅  Beautiful business cards

✅  Informative leaflets



Is that the end? Well not for RadioDNS and I, we continue to work together on exciting projects, they're a wonderful team, dedicated to excellence and their userbase. 

 FYI, I worked with blackspike, who's an amazing developer . He created a fantastic custom wordpress CMS for the team to quickly create events, news and blog posts. Thanks for the great teamwork, blackspike! ♥️


Need something similar?

I can help you with:


Website review and suggestions

Social asset creation

Brand/site refresh

UX research & design

Wireframing and prototyping

Accessibility design

Design System creation

Product packaging

Business cards & printed design

Brand guidelines

Presentations and slide decks

Something you want that's not on the list? Get in touch and we can chat through your requirements

Refreshing the RadioDNS brand

By refreshing their brand identity through a cohesive design system while prioritising user experience and accessibility, RadioDNS was able to revitalize their online presence and encourage memberships and newsletter sign-ups.

Eloïse Corke